Erin Sykes



[lightbox link="" thumb="" width="0" align="center" title="brutus2" frame="true" icon="image"] Don’t forget that your pups need some beauty TLC during the cold too. Apply a bit of triple antibiotic ointment of Vaseline to their nose to prevent dry out. Brutus will definitely need a bit after this romp!


Heading out of your first ski trip of the year? or is your skin struggling to adjust to the December chill? As the seasons change it’s important to change your skincare routine. Contrary to what you may think, less is more when the winds pick up and temps drop. High quality, deeply penetrating moisturizers and serums will become your best friend! Be sure keep the following handy: □ Lightweight serum with hyaluronic acid to help skin hold on to moisture □ Eye cream that treats your main concerns (dark circles? lines?). The area around your eyes is more delicate and sensitive that the rest of your face so it needs special care, especially in extreme conditions. □ Moisturizer with SPF 30 or higher (note that sun reflects off of snow an will cause damage more quickly than you may think) □ BB Cream to perfect your complexion in one step (not to mention further protect) □ Black waterproof mascara so that you will look wide-eyed even when skiing or caught in a a pleasant ‘wintery-mix’ □ Tinted lip conditioner to keep lips moisturized and looking polished □ Softly exfoliating cleanser to get rid of dry, chapped skin at the end of each day